Christian Associates of Southwest Pennsylvania
working for the unity of the church and the wholeness of communities through collegiality, collaboration, and connectedness
We Have to Talk is a network of interfaith spiritual leaders from across Southwest Pennsylvania: over 500 clergy and lay people who gather to build relationship across our diverse traditions through conversation and action.
Our network's core principles are named in our statement of purpose, Living Faithfully With One Another.
We Have to Talk offers both large thematic gatherings and small, informal "Spiritual Leader Spaces" throughout the year. The key organizing partners are Christian Associates of Southwest Pennsylvania and the Center for Loving Kindness at the JCC of Greater Pittsburgh.
Our network began in the days immediately following the mass shooting at Tree of Life synagogue on October 27, 2018. Should we cancel a planned interfaith gathering the following week? we wondered. No, we agreed. Because: we have to talk.
To receive occasional emails about We Have to Talk, sign up here.

Photo by the Pittsburgh Post-Gazette

We Have to Talk ... Moving from Freeze or Flight to Hope and Action
Wednesday, March 19, 2025
11 AM - 12:30 PM
Jewish Community Center of Greater Pittsburgh
Katz Performing Arts Center
5738 Darlington Road, Pittsburgh, PA 15217
Rapidly-changing times like these can inspire a "fight, flight, or freeze" response. How can we, instead, foster hope in ourselves and the faith communities we lead? And how can we take action, as individuals, faith communities, and the wider interfaith community, to build a better world?
On March 19, join spiritual leaders from across the community at the JCC for the next We Have To Talk conversation. Come ready to share a practice, an orientation of the spirit, or a concrete project or activity that is helping you move toward hope and action at this time. Come ready to see friends, to make new connections, and to cultivate a community of support and solidarity across our diverse traditions.
Our time together will also include opportunities for physical movement as we consider making this move in our spirits. Cantor Julie Newman will lead us in a movement-based guided meditation. Thanks to the generosity of St. John's Lutheran Church in North Versailles, we will also be able to walk a full-sized replica of the Chartres labyrinth together.
Admission is free, and registration (via the form below) is much appreciated but not required.
This event is intended for spiritual leaders: clergy and religious and those holding lay leadership roles in houses of worship and faith institutions across Southwest Pennsylvania. Let's come together. We have to talk.